Recent Updates from Oceanbrae
December 29th, 2024
Hello everyone, and thanks for visiting our website!
Like many farm websites, it's increasingly hard to keep this site up-to-date without recreating the whole site. However, we do plan to keep the site active to provide information on our farm, our contact info, and details on some of our top cows families.
For the latest news, please visit our Facebook page at Here we post animals/embryos for sale, recent news and photos of our cows.
Thanks to Recent Buyers!
December 23rd, 2020
Firstly, a very Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to all of our friends and fellow dairy producers!
Thanks to a few recent buyers of cattle, including:
- Antrim Farms of Springhill, NS for buying several cows and heifers this past summer, including a new VG Two Year Old!
- Leckbrook Farms of Brookfield, NS for buying Oceanbrae Mocha Sydney EX-90
- Greg Archibald of Middle Musquodoboit, NS for buying two baby calves in December.
We have a few animals of various ages available for sale, as well as some embryos from Oceanbrae Ironman Ginger EX. Check out our Genetics For Sale page for more info or our Facebook page for the most up to date listings!
Recent Successes at Oceanbrae!
June 7th, 2019

We've had a number of successes at Oceanbrae Farms that we're very thankful for:
- We completed our new free-stall barn in February, and we're looking forward to inviting friends and fellow producers for an open house this summer.
- Oceanbrae Foster is now available worldwide through Semex Alliance, with sexed doses available as well!
- We had three Canadian Class Leaders for BCA in 2018, including Oceanbrae Turbo Felicity (Junior Two), Oceanbrae Adventure Indigo (Senior Three), and Oceanbrae TP Jocelyn (Four Year)
- Oceanbrae Milking Shorthorns were once again the #1 BCA MS herd in Canada, and the #1 herd across all breeds for composite BCA in Atlantic Canada!
- We had five more cows garner Lifetime Production Awards from the CMSS
Classification Update - May 2019
May 5th, 2019

We recently had the classifier here at Oceanbrae, and here are some of the highlights:
Three new VG-2 year olds, including:
- Oceanbrae Pepper Becca VG-85 (photo), by Oceanbrae Bennett out of Oceanbrae Pepper Tea VG-88.
- Oceanbrae TP Lauren VG-85 (Pingerly x Jurist Layla EX-92)
- Oceanbrae KA Sapphire VG-85 (Anecdote-P x Pingerly Saffron VG-86-2y)
Four new reclassed VG cows in 2nd lactation:
- Oceanbrae Lady Tory VG-86 (Turbo x Redrama Ladylike)
- Oceanbrae Mocha Fern VG-85 (Mocha x Logic Feather)
- Oceanbrae Turbo Fairy VG-85 (Turbo x Accent-P)
- Oceanbrae Logic Ali Favour VG-85 (Logic x Accent-P)
Four multiple Excellent cows:
- Oceanbrae Pingerly Betty EX-90-2E
- Oceanbrae Ironman Ginger EX-91-2E
- Oceanbrae Pete Idealistic EX-90-2E
- Oceanbrae Belmont Zoe EX-91-3E
Classification Update - May 2018
May 2nd, 2018

Classification day at Oceanbrae today...and it was quite a day! We only classified 13 head...but 7 of them classified Excellent! Of those 7 EX cows, 4 of them are newly classified EX for the first time.
They include:
Oceanbrae Pingerly Betty EX-90 (pictured above)
Oceanbrae Adventure Tia EX-91
Oceanbrae Pete Idealistic EX-90
Oceanbrae Mocha Sydney EX-90
Gaining another E were:
Oceanbrae Fawn's Accent-P EX-94-4E,
Oceanbrae Logic Betty EX-90-3E, and
Oceanbrae Belmont Zoe EX-91-2E.
We also had two new VG Two Year Olds:
Oceanbrae Turbo Perrin-P VG-86
Oceanbrae Bennett Bailey VG-85
Both of these heifers are sired by homebred bulls. Turbo is a Mocha x Jurist Thyme and Bennett is Mocha x Jurist Betty (brother to Bentley).