The Canadian Milking Shorthorn Society is excited to share that Lynmark Farms has been named as a Master Breeder herd for 2025. Lynmark Farms, owned and operated by Tim Shearer and Irene Vietinghoff of Norwood, Ontario, is the third Milking Shorthorn herd to be recognized as Master Breeder since this honour was created in 2008.
The Lynmark herd had been active in breeding registered Holsteins for many years before getting their start with Milking Shorthorns. Their first Milking Shorthorn purchase was Fieldcrest Rubin Pearl EX-92-8E, purchased as a young cow before she would go on to multiple Grand Championship show honours at Ontario shows, while also becoming a Six Star Brood Cow based on the accomplishments of her eleven female progeny, five of which would go on to score Excellent. Some descendants of Pearl were contributors of Master Breeder points, including Lynmark LB Sierra EX-90-4E, a great-granddaughter of Pearl and a Star Brood Cow in her own right.
Tim and Irene would go on to add additional Milking Shorthorns to their herd from some of the top herds in Canada. They purchased several heifers from Mike Sullivan’s Maple Inn herd near Peterborough, as well as purchasing heifers in several CMSS National Sales. One of these sale purchases was River’s Edge Betty Anne EX-90-7E, the CMSS Cow of the Year in 2011. Betty Anne had an accomplished show career as well as being a Star Brood Cow. Her granddaughter, Lynmark KR Regina EX-91-5E, was a significant contributor of Master Breeder points through her multiple Excellent classifications as well as a Lifetime Production Award.
Another foundation cow for Lynmark was Hauxwell Clara 20th EX-90, purchased as the highest selling lot in the 2001 CMSS National Sale. Clara would go on to become a Six Star Brood Cow and Lifetime Production Award Winner, producing over 80,000 kgs of milk. Among Clara’s descendants contributing to Lynmark’s Master Breeder point total are Lynmark St Clare, the #11 GLPI sire marketed internationally by Semex, and Lynmark Diamond Chloe VG-87, a five-time Superior Production Award winner and Lifetime Production Award winner.
The Lynmark herd was very active on the show circuit for many years, numerous times taking home Premier Breeder and Exhibitor honours at the National Show in Lindsay, Ontario alongside numerous Junior and Grand Championship ribbons. Since joining the Milking Shorthorn breed, Lynmark Farms has bred 40 Excellent cows, with 24 of those achieving Multiple Excellent classifications.
Both Tim and Irene have previously served as Directors of the Canadian Milking Shorthorn Society. Tim would serve as President for several years in the early to mid 2000’s, assuming the post after the untimely passing of Society President Barry Haggett, breeder of the very cow (Pearl) that started Lynmark in the breed. Tim would help lead the Society during the uncertain years following the BSE crisis, when several long-time Milking Shorthorn herds would disperse, only to be replaced with even more new breeders, many of whom have leading roles in the breed today. Irene would also serve multiple terms as CMSS Director, completing her most recent term in 2024.
Two years ago, the majority of the Lynmark Milking Shorthorn herd was sold to Sheldon Richardson, a young breeder at Richford Farms in St. Mary’s, Ontario, where Lynmark-bred cows are continuing to excel. Tim and Irene still have a few of their “old girls” with them in Norwood as they slowly wind down their milking career.
When asked for their comments, Tim and Irene shared that “our success with the breed was only possible with the help we’ve had from Doug Wherry in different partnerships over the years, as well as the many years that Scott Stewart cared for our heifers, bringing them to their genetic potential. The Milking Shorthorn fraternity in Canada has always been welcoming and supportive to new breeders. Being able to sell embryos throughout North America as well as Great Britain, Ireland and Japan has allowed us to share Milking Shorthorn genetics and foster connections with new and old friends.”
The Society would like to thank Tim Shearer and Irene Vietinghoff for their years of service to the Milking Shorthorn breed while recognizing their success in breeding high-quality, balanced cattle with the 2025 CMSS Master Breeder Award.
2025 CMSS Master Breeders Irene Vietinghoff and Tim Shearer of Lynmark Farms, Norwood, Ontario