Category: English

Oceanbrae Pingerly Betty named 2019 Cow of the Year

At the 2019 Canadian Milking Shorthorn Society Field and AGM on July 27th, Prince Edward Island cow Oceanbrae Pingerly Betty was revealed as Milking Shorthorn Cow of the Year after voting by CMSS members from across the country. Betty is owned by Fred and Matthew Barrett of Oceanbrae Farms in Belmont, PEI. Betty is a…

CMSS Field Day & AGM: July 27th, 2019

Saturday, July 27th, 2019 Schomberg, Ontario 10:30   Tour of Headacher Milking Shorthorns 16380 10th Concession, Schomberg, Ontario 12:30    Lunch at Trisan Centre 25 Dillane Dr, Schomberg, Ontario 1:00      Presentation of Awards and Fun Auction 2:30      CMSS Annual General Meeting Block of rooms reserved at: Holiday Inn Express & Suites Newmarket…

Highlights from April 2019 Genetic Evaluations

Here are some quick highlights from the April 2019 genetic evaluations for the Milking Shorthorn breed.  As always, full reports and evaluations are available at This round features the annual base change in genetic evaluations, which accounts for the average level of genetic improvement in the breed.  Milking Shorthorns saw the largest base change adjustment…