Category: English

CMSS Field Day and AGM – July 15th

CMSS members and industry partners are invited to the 2023 CMSS Field Day and AGM, to be held Saturday, July 15th, 2023 at Richford Farms, St. Mary’s, ON. Address for the farm:  137147 13th Line Zorra, St. Mary’s, ON. Program: 10:00 am  Herd Inspection 12:00 pm  Lunch (complimentary) 1:00 pm  Awards and Fun Auction 2:00 pm …

Embryo Expansion Program 2023

The CMSS is now accepting applications for the Embryo Expansion Program for 2023.  In this program, the CMSS subsidizes the cost of purchasing embryos from some of the leading Milking Shorthorns cows in Canada, as well a providing 5 doses of semen on a new release sire and providing an annual membership to the Society.…

2023 Improver Now Online

The 2023 edition of The Improver, our annual breed journal, is now available online. To download a PDF copy, please click here. Thank you to our advertisers for supporting our publication again this year!

Results – 2022 Virtual National Show

Judge:  Michael Tuhan, Victoria, Australia Class 1: Calves born after September 1st, 2021 Sponsored by: Laughlin Farms and Dr. Tim Henshaw 1. Koopycrest Astroid Ali Astrid – Shawn Koopmans, Picton, ON 2. Oceanbrae Foster Chickpea – Oceanbrae Farms, Belmont, PEI (4-H member Julia Deklein) 3. Oceanbrae Tribute Gold – Oceanbrae Farms, Belmont, PEI 4. Koopycrest…

Oceanbrae Farms named Master Breeder for Second Time

The Canadian Milking Shorthorn Society is pleased to announce that Oceanbrae Farms of Belmont, Prince Edward Island has qualified for a second Master Breeder Award in 2022, based on points accumulated by animals bred by the Barrett Family between 2007 and 2019.  Oceanbrae Farms attained their first Master Breeder Award in 2008. Oceanbrae Farms is…