Category: English

August 2018 Genetic Evaluation Notes

A few notes from today’s August 2018 Genetic Evaluations release here in Canada: Sires: CMSS Syndicates sire Lady Grove Conrad gets his first official LPI this round, and he debuts at #3 LPI at +1897.  His EBVs are +293M +34F +0.34% +12P +0.10% +7 Conf 2.85 SCS.  From seeing daughters and getting feedback from producers,…

2018 Cow of the Year Nominations

The CMSS is excited to announce the three cows nominated for Cow of the Year for 2018. Cows are nominated based on their individual success and the success of their progeny. These are cows that have excelled in lactation, classification, genetic index, show results, and/or progeny performance and are currently living here in Canada. All three…

CMSS Field Day and AGM – July 28th, 2018

CMSS Field Day and AGM Saturday, July 28th, 2018 Hosted by the Ashton Family (Ashtonia) 125 Medd Road, Port Perry, Ontario Event will include tour of the Ashtonia herd, Fun Auction, Noon Meal, Award Presentations, and more! Stay tuned for more details soon. Hotel:  Hilton Garden Inn Ajax Tel: (905) 686-9400 Room Rate:  $149 +…