Category: English

December 2018 Genetic Evaluations – Highlights

Hello Milking Shorthorn breeders, Here are a few highlights from the December 2018 Genetic Evaluations, released today. Sires: Treeton Pingerly continues to dominate the list at #1 LPI (+2320), more than 250 points ahead of the #2 bull, B Jurist. There was no change in the ranking of the top 5 bulls this round, with…

2018 National Show

2018 National Show Results Friday, September 21st, 2018       Judge:  Bobby Jarrell, Corbyville, ON Showmanship:  (sponsored by Richford Farms) 1.  Julia Deklein 2. Alexa Prinzen 3. Briar Loney 4. Joy Prinzen 5. Ethan Stewart 6. Hayley Ashton Junior Calf:  (sponsored by Wood’s Dairy Source) 1. Richford Ironman Ilene (Oceanbrae Ironman-P) – Richford Farms 2.…

Iceland is 2018 Cow of the Year!

The Canadian Milking Shorthorn Society is happy to announce that reigning National Show Grand Champion Richford Ironman Iceland is the 2018 Canadian Cow of the Year.  Iceland is bred and owned by Don and Karen Richardson and family of Richford Farms, St. Mary’s, Ontario. Iceland has come to notoriety as the the two time Grand…